Romans 8:37-39

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

(Romans 8:37-39)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Becoming a Farmer

Wow... It has been a long time since I wrote a blog. I'm sorry for the 3 people that actually read my blog. Lol.

So i'm living in Carrollton now. I graduated from School of Ministry, still waiting on my bachelors degree, but i'm done! :) My parents bought a home out in Carrollton, GA. The first couple of months were rough out here because the house basically had to be renovated because all the wiring and drywall had to be redone. So some weeks in the beginning there was no electricity and this was in the winter still. So I slept by the fire place on a air mattress. That air mattress was my bed 3 months, that wasn't so bad, it was having to pick it up every morning and putting it on the back porch so the men can work on the house during the day and bringing it back in at night close to midnight every night. There was a week somewhere in the 3 months that we didn't have running water as well, so I would go outside and wash my hair with a water bottle. It was at that point that I realized the God was preparing me for something. Lol.

Man... so much has happened since I last wrote a blog! I have job now its a part time job at CVS. Its a job! I'm slowly on my way to fulfilling my goal. At first I wasn't getting anywhere because I had major truck problems which took away everthing I made. I am now at a spot now, where every paycheck I am able to pay some towards my debt. I was hoping to get a second job but at the moment I'm making pretty decent hours, but I may still get one in the future.

The last thing I wanted to write about is about the title. My parents went to a family reunion last weekend in florida, I had to work. But they came home with a farm! Yes that's right a farm! We now own a baby goat, a rooster, 4 chickens, and 10 baby chicks! So now every morning I wake up to a rooster crowing. The first day I spent half the day helping my dad build a chicken coupe and fed a baby goat with a bottle. We named the goat billy and he follows you everywhere you go outside. My dog thinks the goat is a dog so she keeps trying to sniff billy's butt. Lol.
So my parents say this is just the beginning, that we will get more animals later on.:) I never thought of myself as a farmer but I guess I'm going to start learning how to be one.

Hopefully it won't be so long before I write another blog. I still have alot more to say but I have to go do some farm work. Hahaha....